Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Mouse Deer and The Snail

In a large forest, a mouse deer arrogant was walking around with puff out his chest. He continued to walk through the lush trees and beautiful in the bright sun irradiate the moment, then when he started to cross the river he met a small snail, and mouse deer were greeted by snail "hay mouse deer ...! How are you? You look so happy today?”. Mouse deer replied arrogantly "hi snail, of course I'm glad, because I was the smartest animal and most clever in this forest".

"How cocky you are mouse deer", said slug to mouse deer.

"I'm not arrogant, but animals like you would not understand it was to be smart and clever animal like me", said mouse deer with pride.

Snails began to feel annoyed with pride deer "Well, I still do not believe that you're the smartest animals in the forest, to prove that, what if we run a race tomorrow morning" said the snails challenged deer.

"Hahahahaha ...." mouse deer laughed at the remark slug. "you think you can win a race run with agile animals like me, snails? However, okay I will accept your challenge, tomorrow morning I will prove that I was the smartest and the clever animal in the forest "answered the deer as he left snail in the river.

The next day, when morning came, slugs and mouse deer had been ready to race away. "Are you ready snail?" Ask the mouse deer underestimated. "Of course I have, and I'm definitely going to win," said the snail with a smile. Then snails allow mouse deer to run first and asking mouse deer to call to make sure where the snail is.
Mouse deer first started running, he ran very relaxed, probably could be said mouse deer are not running but walking, because he was sure would win. Then after a few steps, he tries to call a deer slug "Snail ... Where you been up to?”, Yelled the deer with a disparaging tone. "I'm in front of you", shouted the snail.
Mouse deer was surprised, he did not believe in words rather than snail, but snail sound sounds are far in front. Mouse deer also accelerate the pace. Then she tried to call the slug back "snail where are you?" And the snail replied, "I'm in front of you."
Finally, mouse deer were getting restless; he now began to run, but all he called snail, snail sound has always been far in front. Sweat started pouring, mouse deer are now running hard, he already felt exhausted, gasping breath, her legs had been felt so weak, but he kept running, until finally he saw the finish line in front of him. Mouse deer's face was so happy, because last time he called he did not get any response from snails. Mouse deer felt that he was the winner of the race, the deer was laughing with the breath of breath "hahahaha ... You lose snail, I'm the winner".
 "What do you mean?", Snail replied.
Suddenly the mouse deer was surprised to see a snail sitting on a rock near the finish line "I have until the earlier" continued snail "and why are you panting deer?" This time slug back.
Mouse deer was finally come over to the snail with bowed head.
 "So, do not be arrogant mouse deer, you are smart and clever, but you are not the smartest and the brightest," said the snail. "Yeah, I'm sorry snails, I would not be arrogant again" said the mouse deer with a tone of embarrassment. They shook hands, laughed and eventually came home respectively.
Actually the day before the race, shortly after the mouse deer left the snail in the river , snail soon gather his friends and ask for help so that they line up and hiding in the path of the race to answer in case the deer call.

Hahahahaha, turns out size is not everything if you cannot use the brains and humility for someone else too happy to help us and near us. So be a nice person and like to help others not to expecting replies but to make them happy and make this world smiles ^ _ ^ see yha.

Still can not sleep? This story might make you sleep, Read another fable 

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